Agriculture and Rural Life Baha’i World Center Compilation
Agriculture The Basis of Every Economy by David Langness
Agriculture: A Fundamental Principle by Paul Hanley
Counting the hidden $12-trillion cost of a broken food system nature
Economics Agriculture and Related Subjects Research Department of the Universal House of Justice
Food and Farming Warwick Leaflets
Poverty Food and the Environment by Margaret Tash
Regenerative Agriculture: A Force for Changing the World by Hugh Loke
The Baha’i Economic System Starts with the Farmer by David Langness
The Farmer The First Active Agent in Human Society by Steve Worth
The Smallholder Farm Revolution by Hugh Locke
When You Think of a Farmer Do You Picture a Woman by Hugh Locke
Episode 13 Rethinking Education Discovering How Podcast
Peace Explorer #19 Bold Brave Media
Interview with Badi Shams A Baha’i Perspective
EBBF Interview with Badi Shams Economics of the Future
After Universal Basic Income by Simon Sarris
Are Baha’is Capitalists or Socialists by David Langness
A Small Town’s Simple Approach to Peace by Badi Shams
Asset Managers Get Involved in the Companies They Own from by The Economist
Baha’i Principle – Abolition of Economic Extremes by The Baha’i International Community
Baha’i Principles of Organization and Economics by Lawrence M. Miller
Baha’i-Inspired Charitable Agencies
Becoming Truly Customer-Focused — No Matter Where You Work by Lawrence M. Miller
Beyond Capitalism and Communism to a New Spiritual System by Nader Saiedi
Business, Development, and the Bahá’í Funds by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States
Can Spirituality Solve the Disparity Between Rich and Poor by Behrooz Sabet
Customer Service: the Relationship Goes Both Ways by Jaellayna Palmer
Economics, A Bahá’í Approach A publication by Warwick Leaflets
Economics and Spirituality from a Baha’i Perspective by Badi Shams
Evolving Toward a Baha’i Economic System by Gregory C. Dahl
Faith and World Economy by Giuseppe Robiati Reviewed by Sen McGlinn
Forging the Divine Economy by Justin Scoggin
Honesty and Trust Equal Social Capital by Lawrence M. Miller
How Community Banking Brings Prosperity to Everyone by Marilyn Waite
How Service to Others Can Drive Economic Life by Sheida Vair-Zadeh
How to Find Volunteer Work That Inspires Your Sense of Service by Nasim Mansuri
How to Measure True Prosperity by Abdu’l-Missagh Ghadirian
Human Nature and Human Society by William S. Hatcher
Integrating Spiritual Principles into Our Work Life by Susan Gammage
Is Housing a Human Right by David Langness
Is There A Baha’i Economic System? Wilmette Institute Webinar
Justice: The Trainer of the World by Lawrence M. Miller
New Directions for Economics by Gregory C. Dahl
Our Daily Work by Greg Hodges
Perspective: One world, One Currency published in One Country
Practical Economic Suggestions for Everyday Use by Badi Shams
Practical Suggestions for Community Service by Badi Shams
Profit Sharing by Badi Shams
Rethinking Profit and Profit-sharing by Zarrin Caldwell
Searching for a New Economic Model in India Bahá'í World News Service
Shared Value Priorities in Groups: The Impact of the Baha’i Faith on Values by Faezeh Afshar
Study of the Bahá’í Writings on Economics by Badi Shams
The 4 Characteristics of Great Social Capitalists by David Langness
The Baha’i Faith and Economics: a Review and Synthesis by Bryan Graham
The Baha’i Faith and the Market Economy by Farhad Rassekh
The World Economy of Bahá’u’lláh by Horace Holley
Uniting Labor and Management by David Langness
Why only Baha’is can Contribute to the Fund by Sathia Varqa
Why Tariffs are Bad Taxes by The Economist
Dissertation Baha’i Economics by Hooshmand Badee
Economics Of The Future Begins Today by Badi Shams
Mystic Ramblings by Badi Shams
Random Thoughts of a Mystic Economist by Badi Shams
Towards a New Spiritual Economic System by Badi Shams
A Bahá'í Perspective on Economics Of The Future compiled by Badi Shams
Compilation on the Institution of the Mashriqu’l-Askar compiled by Universal House of Justice
Guidelines for Economic Living compiled by Badi Shams
Huqúqu’llah Compilation of Compilations
Statement on the Institution of the Mashriqu’l-Askar compiled by Universal House of Justice
The True Foundation of all Economics Compiled by Hooshmand Badee
After Communism Warwick Leaflets
Does Economics Determine Human History by David Langness
Economic Oppression of Iran’s Baha’is Baha’i International Community
Economics: a Brief History by Badi Shams
Evolution and Economics by David Langness
History Lessons for Managers by The Economist
How a Decade of Crisis Changed Economics by J. W. Mason
Marxism Yesterday and Today by Colin Leys
Marxism, Human Nature and Society by Laurie E. Adkin
Milton Friedman’s Economic Racism by John Jackson
Rescuing Adam Smith from Myth and Misrepresentation by The Economist
The Economist explains The Baha’i Faith by The Economist
The Enlightenment, Materialism, and the Loss of Meaning by Vahid Houston Ranjbar
The Industrial Revolution Could Shed Light on Modern Productivity by The Economist
The Philosophy of Materialism by Vahid Houston Ranjbar
Was John Maynard Keynes a Liberal? by The Economist
What Comes After Bretton Woods II by The Economist
Who is Writing the Future? Reflections on the 20th Century Baha’i International Community
Action on Climate Change Multiple Paths to a Better Future by Christine Muller
A Basis for Collective Action on Climate by Baha'i World News Service
A More Enlightened Approach to SDG Investing by Harald Walkate & Cary
Balancing Economy with Ecology by Erfan Daliri
Can We Have a Flag for Our Planet by Badi Sham
Caring for the Environment by Warwick Leaflets
Churches Help to Preserve Bird Biodiversity by The Economist
Climate Change and Humanity 2.0 by Hugh Locke
Climate Change Putting our Principles into Practice by David Menham
Climate Conversations Need as a Unifier by Teresa Langness
Combatting Climate Change with Science and Religion by Kenneth E. Bowers
Conservation and Sustainable Development in the Bahá'í Faith by the Baha'i International Community
Conservation of the Earth by Grahame Howells
Conservation of the Earth’s Resources by Baha’i World Center
Consultation and Compromise in Environment Affairs by Bill Knight-Weiler
Eco-spirituality by The Guardian
Eco Principle Arthur Dahl by reviewed by Stephen Vickers
Ecological Models of Social Organization by Arthur Dahl
Ecological Stewardship as Applied Spirituality by John Thelen Steere
Efforts to Make Buildings Greener are not Working by The Economist
From Division to Unity Toward a Just and Sustainable Society by James Howden
Green Asset Classes are Proliferating by The Economist
How to Be an Environmentalist by Peter Gyulay
How to Design Carbon Taxes by The Economist
How We Can Build a Green Global Economy by Arthur Lyon Dahl
International Legislation for the Environment and Development by Baha’i International Community
New Patterns of Community Life in an Urbanizing World by the Bahá'í International Community
Older Men are More Prone to Cognitive Impairment from Dirty Air by The Economist
Road Makers Turn to Recycled Plastic for Tougher Surfaces by The Economist
Shared Vision, Shared Volition: Choosing Our Global Future Together by the Baha'i International Community
Spiritual Foundations for an Ecologically Sustainable Society by Robert A. White
Sustainable Development Advancing Toward a Global Civilization by Christine Muller
Sustaining Societies: Towards a New 'We' by the Bahá'í International Community
The Golden Rule and the Green Rule by Jaellayna Palmer
Who is Writing the Future? Reflections on the 20th Century by Baha’i International Community
Baha’i Meets Globalisation by Sen McGlinn
Can Globalization and Diversify Co-exist by Elaine McCreary
Conceiving a World Commonwealth — With the Politics of Love by David Langness
Economic Prosperity: A Global Imperative by Mary Fish
Ethics for a Global Society by Udo Schaefer
From Ego system to Eco system Economies by Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer
Globalization and Religion by David Skinner
Globalization and the Environment by Arthur Dahl
Global Prosperity for Humankind by Noojan Kazemi
Globalization: Welcome to the New World Order by David Langness
How Global Governance Can Address Climate Change by David Langness
Jacinda Ardern Says Economic Growth Is Pointless If People Aren’t Thriving by Joe McCarthy
Regenerative Capitalism by John Fullerton
Repo-Market Ructions were a Reminder of the Financial Crisis by The Economist
Science, Religion and Development by Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity
Shared Vision, Shared Volition: Choosing Our Global Future by Baha’i International Community
Social Crises and Their Connections to Global Ecological Problems by Arthur Dahl
Summoning Our Common Will by Global Development Agenda
The Bahá’í Faith and Globalization 1900-1912 by Robert Stockman
The Global Economy is on a knife-edge by The Economist
The Globalization of the Bahá’í Community, 1892-1921 by Moojan Momen
Unions and Management by David Langness
Uniting the World in One Political Commonwealth by Kenneth E. Bowers
We Live in an Age of Miracles by Badi Shams
Where Growth is Concerned, is Population Destiny by The Economists
What Does the “Oneness of Mankind” Really Mean by Badi Shams
Will Globalization Lead to a World Commonwealth by Sohrab Abizadeh
A Global Minimum Tax on Corporations by David Langness
A Minimalist Lifestyle by Jennifer Taylor Chan
By Itself Material Civilization Means Destruction by David Langness
Can Money Make You Happy by David Langness
Consuming Material Goods by Arthur Lyon Dahl
Everyone Has the Right to a Home by David Langness
Evolution: The Human Race Maturing Past Materialism by Badi Shams
Extreme Poverty and Extreme Wealth by Arthur Lyon Dahl
Forsaking Personal Profit for Collective Gain by Joseph Roy Sheppherd
Fostering Equitable Commendable Wealth by Patricia Wilcox
Gambling by Rodney Richards
Getting Our Heads Above the Consumerism Waves by Peter Gyulay
God Mammon and real estate by The Economist
Hollywood Homelessness and Hope by David Langness
How Bahá'ís Would Eliminate the Extremes Of Wealth and Poverty by Kenneth E. Bowers
How Does Wealth Get Us to Peace? by Rodney Richards
How the Rich Are Accepting the Baha’i Call to Help the Poor by Badi Shams
How to Get Corporations to Pay Their Taxes? by David Langness
How to Transcend this Materialistic Realm by Susan Gammage
Income Disparity in a Time of Global Crisis by Sayona Kahnamooei Freeman
Is Bigness Goodness? Dealing With Global Corporate Domination by Payam Zamani
Justice: the Organizing Principle of All Commerce by Lawrence M. Miller
Markets are Suffering from a Nasty Bout of Millenarianism by The Economist
Materialism: Q&A by Susan Gammage
Materialism: A Distraction From Our Spiritual Lives by Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian
Materialism: Wearing Away at Our Kids by Ted Slavin
Materialism: What Advantage in Things You Possess by John Dahnad
Materialism and the Coming Flood by David Langness
Materialism and the Rise of Conspiracy Theories and Cults by Nasim Mansuri
My True Worth by Masud Olufani
Policy Plus Philanthropy by David Langness
Rethinking Materialism by Enrico Giraudi
Rooting Out the Corruption in Our Economic Systems by Arthur Lyon Dahl
Soul Killing Jobs and How to Avoid Them by Zarrin Caldwell
Survival of the Richest by Dougas Ruskkoff
Take No Pride in Gold by Baha'i International Community
The 3 Big Life Traps: Materialism, Imitation, and the Ego by V. M. Gopaul
The Alternatives to Privatisation and Nationalisation by The Economist
The Smoke of Corruption Enveloping the World by David Langness
The Spiritual Power of Poverty by Peter Gyulay
The Wealth of the One Percent by Barron Harper
Time for a Serious Discussion About Poverty and Justice by David Menham
We Can Overcome Consumerism by Christine Muller
What Is the Role of Wealth in Society by Jenna Nicholas
Which Billionaire Do You Admire Most.pdf
Why We All Need Wealth by Rodney Richards
With Great Wealth Comes Great Responsibility by David Langness
World Food Day: Eradicating Extreme Poverty the Bahá'í Way by David Langness
You Can't Eat Money by Arthur Lyon Dahl
5 Ways I'm Learning to Love Filing My Taxes by Jaellayna Palmer
A New Framework for Global Prosperity Baha’i International Community
Acting in Oneness for a Better Economy by Greg Hodges
At Work Be Forbearing, Be Kind, Be Steadfast by Derrick Stone
Building a Craft Business as if People Mattered by Philip Koomen
Building Social Capital in Your Community by David Langness
Do We Need to Justify Our Spending? by Badi Shams
Can We Create a Classless Society by David Langness
Consciously Transcending Your Social Class by David Langness
Does a Rising Tide Lift All Boats? by Tony McGinley
Economic Barriers and Restrictions Completely Abolished by David Langness
How Community Banking Brings Prosperity to Everyone by Marilyn Waite
How Microfinance Works to End Poverty by Sai Honig
How One Creative Bahá'í-Owned Business Builds Community by Katia Arami
How Service to Others Can Drive Economic Life by Sheida Vazir-Zadeh
Invest in Buying Your True Home by Peter Gyulay
Prosperity of Humankind Baha’i International Community
Rethinking Prosperity Baha’i International Community
Should Work Be Passion, or Duty by Firmin DeBrabander
The Concept of Prosperity by Farhad Sabtan
The Day I Became a Millionaire DHH
The Need for Spiritual Consultation by Badi Shams
The Role of Business in Enhancing The Prosperity of Humankind by Walker, Nelson and Weinberg
The Spiritual Case for Destigmatizing Homelessness by Makeena Rivers
Uniting Labor and Management by David Langness
Values Altruism and Statecraft by Andy Tamas
Which Countries are Raising the Most Productive Humans by The Economist
Artificial Intelligence Can Robots Be Moral by Zarrin Caldwell
Can Science and Morality Find Common Ground? by Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian
Companies Will Perform Better if Employees Are Not Cowed into Silence by The Economist
Do We Worship Entrepreneurs and Western Education Too Much by Nasim Mansuri
Empowering Villages by The Economist
Guidelines For Internet Communications by The Universal House of Justice
Internet, the World Wide Web and Electronic Discussion Lists by Stephen Birkland
Karma, the Golden Rule and Newton’s Third Law by Badi Shams
Light in the Darkness by Dan Kopf
Marrying Science and Tech to Spirituality by Moneshia Zu Eltz
Scientific Women and Why We Need More of Them by David Langness
Spirituality and the Scientific Method by Gregory Samsa and Jerry Schoendorf
The Essential Harmony of Religion and Science by Kenneth E. Bowers
2 Effective Ways to Fight your Ego by Badi Shams
A Baha’i Duty: Defending the Essence of All Religions por Badi Shams
Affirmative Action Should be Based on Class, not Race by The Economist
April 22, 2016 Letter by Board of Trustees (Canada)
Baha’i Faith and Social Action by Christopher Buck
The Beauty and Benefits When East and West Meet by Badi Shams
Bringing the Insights of Religion into Development Baha’i World News Service News
Building Communities that Encompass Everyone por Badi Shams
Cash is Replacing Other Forms of Aid by The Economist
Challenges of Sustainable Development by Augusto Lopez-Claros
Coming Soon: the Four-Hour Work Day by David Langness
Creating a Spiritual Workplace by Lawrence M. Miller
Creating Development Projects That Produce Positive Results by Moojan Momen
Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Success by Palazzi and Starcher
Debunking the Fairy Tales of Eternal Economic Growth by Arthur Lyon Dahl
Development Impact Bonds are Costly, Cumbersome, and Good by The Economist
Dialogues between Faith Values and ESD Values by Arthur Dahl
Do We Worship Entrepreneurs and Western Education Too Much? by Nasim Mansuri
Does Ethical Investment Withhold Capital From Those That Most Need it The Economist
Down with Philanthrocapitalism, Says an Entertaining Polemic by The Economist
Economic Life of Communities Uplifting Words
Education of Women and Socio-Economic Development by Geeta Gandhi Kingdon
Helping Workers Get By by The Economist
Horrible Bosses by The Economist
How to Plug Budget Holes by Managing Public Wealth Better by The Economist
How to Stop Civilization’s Excesses by Rodney Richards
Huqúqu’llah The Right of God by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice
Initial Coin Offerings Have Become Big Business by The Economist
Is Your Profession Your Identity? by Kathy Roman
Just System of Government by John Huddleston
Lessons Your School Did Not Teach You by Bruce Flow
Let Us Create An EcoRenaissance by Guy Dauncey
Making the Sustainable Development Goals work for local communities everywhere by Dr. Daniel Christian Wahl
Meal Prepping My Way Out of Minimum Credit Card Payments by Rachel Berkey
Money Managers and Charities are Offering Joint Investment Products by The Economist
Open Offices Can Lead to Closed Minds by The Economist
Optimizing for Human Well-Being by Douglas Rushkoff
Overhaul Tax for the 21st Century by The Economist
Overview of Baha’i Social and Economic Development by Holly Hanson
Practical Economic Suggestions for Everyday Use by Badi Shams
Quitting as a Game of Chess by Queen Muse
Rising Inequality could explain tepid support for redistribution by The Economist
Should Affirmative Action be Scrapped? by The Economist
Simple Interactions Can Have Unpredictable Consequences The Economist
Social Action by Department of the Secretariat — Universal House of Justice
Social Action by Office of Social and Economic Development
Social and Economic Development by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice
Social Justice, Wealth Equity and Gender Equality by Leslie W. Kuzyk
Solidarity, not just charity for street community by Joshua Goldberg
Strategies and Processes of Social Change by Howard Buchbinder
Suggestions for Community Service by Badi Shams
Sustainable Communities in an Integrating World by Baha’i International Community
Sustainable Development by Christine Mulle
Sustainable Development and Prosperity by Arthur Dahl
Sustainable Development and the Human Spirit by Baha’i International Community
Sustainable Development, A Baha’i View by Warwick Leaflets
The Baha’is and Social Development, Building Community by Moojan Momen
The Annoying Habits of Highly Effective People by The Economist
The Economists’ Diet by The Economist
The Evolution of Institutional Capacity by Office of Social and Economic Development
The Paris Peace Forum by The Paris Peace Forum
The Process of Social Transformation by Farzam Arbab
The Rising Cost of Education and Health Care is Less Troubling than Believed by The Economist
The Welfare State Needs Updating by The Economist
The World Day of Social Justice and The Digital Economy by Aravindh Kaniappan
The Worldwide Bahá’í Community’s Approach to Social and Economic Development by Uplifting Words
Toward a Sociology of Wealth by Richard Lachmann
Towards A Just Economic Order by Baha’i International Community
Towards a Framework for Action by Paul Lample
Understanding Each Other in these Difficult Times by Badi Shams
What is the Role of Wealth in Society by Jenna Nicho
What Makes Social and Economic Development Work? by Moojan Momen
Why Economists are Coming Out in Favor of Unconditional Basic Income by Leslee Goodman
Why is Macroeconomics so Hard to Teach? by The Economist
Why is Vigorous Economic Competition a Good Thing? by The Economist
Why Managers Should Listen to Shareholders by The Economist
5 Spiritual Principles I Try to Apply to My Business by Lindsey Engh
A Spiritual Approach to Microcredit Projects by Michel Zahrai
An Introduction to GNH (gross national happiness) by Karma Ura
Big Corporates’ Quest to be Hip is Helping WeWork by The Economist
Challenges of the Construction of a New Morality by Luiz Gushikan
Culture, Spirituality and Development by World Faiths Development Dialogue
Does Economics Determine Human History by David Langness
Economics and Moral Philosophy by Brian Davey
Economics and Morality by Timothy Taylor
Economics and Spirituality by Tony Michel
Ethics and Entrepreneurship, An Oxymoron? by George Starcher
Financial Literacy: Walking the Spiritual Life with Practical Feet by Brydon Grant
Financial Regrets to Avoid by Badi Shams
Growth Can Overcome the Loss of Faith in Global Cooperation by The Economist
How Can We Spiritualize Economics? by Christopher Buck
How Much Profit Margin Do You Need? by Badi Shams
How to Run a Calm Workplace by The Economist
How to Spend Your Money Spiritually by Badi Shams
Is Accumulating Wealth the Point of Life? by Carmela Tesfaye
Islami Bank Bangladesh by The Economist
In Religion and Economics, Cause and Effect are Very Hard to Prove by The Economist
Moral Economy by Andrew Sayer
Morality and Economy by Chris Hann
Morals and Leadership by Eloy Anello
My Lessons in Detachment and Reliance on a Higher Power by Badi Shams
People Are More Honest than They Think They Are by The Economist
Perspectives on Moral Economy by Lancaster University
Popenomics by The Economist
Rooting out the Corruption in Our Economic System by Arthur Lyon Dhal
Spiritual Enterprise by Lawrence Miller by Review by Anousha Vahdaty
Spirituality: The Surprising Solution to Our Economic Problems by Badi Shams
Removing Poverty Through Virtues by Badi Shams
The Bahai Concept of a Good Loan by Badi Shams
The Economics of Morality by Dillon Bowen
The Moral Assumptions Embedded in Economic Models of Climate Change by The Economist
The Power of Tracking & Budgeting by Zaid Dahhaj
The Role of Spirituality in Economics by Badi Shams
The Search for Values in an Age of Transition by Baha’i International Community
The Spiritual Dimensions of Microfinance by Barbara J. Rodey
Three Ways to Avoid Major Financial Regrets by Badi Shams
Toward a Development Ethics by Anna Vakil
Toward a New Paradigm of Management by George Starcher
Transforming Capitalism, 7 Acupuncture Points by Otto Scharmer
Valuing Spirituality in Development by Baha’i International Community
Value Investing is Long on Virtue But Has Been Short on Reward by The Economist
We Need to Replace Money as a Measure of Success by Badi Shams
Why Ethics Matters by Frank Stillwell
Work and Worship by Simon Ward
Bahá'í Essays in the Times Colonist by Badi Shams
Complexity Economics Shows Us Why Laissez Faire Economics Always Fail by Eric Liu and Nick Hanauer
Economics for Everyone: Online Terms & Concepts by Jim Stanford
Inheritance by Abdu’l-Baha
Interview with Baha’i Blog by Badi Shams
John Stuart Mill’s Warning Still Resonates Today by The Economist
Paul Romer & William Nordhaus Win the Economics Nobel by The Economist
Routledge Dictionary of Economics by Donald Rutherford
Simple Interactions Can Have Unpredictable Consequences The Economist
Small Simple Dictionary of Economic Terms by Badi Shams
Study Guide To The Letter On Economic Life by Susan Gammage
Study of the Bahá’i Writings on Economics (Participant Copy) by Badi Shams
Study of the Baha’i Writings on Economics (with Questions) by Badi Shams
Study of the Baha’i Writings on Economics by Badi Shams
To the Baha’is of the World (March 1st, 2017) by Universal House of Justice
To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith by Universal House of Justice
World Bank’s meeting with the World Religions by World Bank
World Happiness Report 2016 edited by Helliwell, Layard, and Sachs
9 November 2018 Letter by Universal House of Justice
A Catholic, a Muslim and a Baha’i on the Oneness of Religion by Badi Shams
A Renewed World Organization for the 21st Century by Andreas Bummel
Acting in Oneness for a Better Economy by Greg Hodges
Betterment of the World by Baha’i International Community
Economic Justice and the Creation of a New International Economic Order by Keith Suter
Economy for the New World Order by Giuseppe Robiati
Evolution Towards World Order by Baha’i World Center
Gross National Happiness by Badi Shams
Guaranteed Jobs: An Explainer by Ed Dolan
How Compatible are Democracy and Capitalism The Economist
Income-share Agreements are a Novel Way to Pay Tuition Fees by The Economist
Is Modern Monetary Theory Nutty or Essential by The Economist
New Patterns of Community Life in an Urbanizing World Baha’i International Community
New Zealand’s First-Even Budget for ‘Well-Being’ by Sushmita Roy
Profit-sharing rising by Darain L Smith
Slower Growth in Ageing Economies is not Inevitable by The Economist
The Beautiful Baha’i Promise of a Poverty-Free Future by David Langness
The New World Order by Warwick Leaflet
The Stress That Kills American Workers The Economist
The Worth of Nations by The Economist
To Save the World, Become a Banker Not a Doctor by The Economist
Toward a New World Order by Matt Giani
Towards A New Spiritual Economic System by Badi Shams
Universal Basic Income by Brad S
Vision 2050 – Full Report Working for a Purpose by The Economist
Wellbeing Economy Alliance Engagement Guide
Working in an Attractive Environment is Good for Employees by The Economist
Workism: Has Your Job Become Your Identity by David Langness
World Citizenship by Warwick Leaflets
Worries About the Gig Economy are Mostly Overblown by The Economist
7 Bahá'í Economic Principles That Will Feed the Poor by Rodney Richards
82% of the Wealth Generated in 2017 in the World Went to the Richest 1% by Badi Shams
A Radical Idea for Reducing Inequality Deserves More Attention by The Economist
A Way Out of Extreme Wealth by Badi Shams
Abolition of Extremes of Wealth by David Langness
Answering the Cry of the Needy by David Langness
As Inequality Grows so does the Political Influence of the Rich by The Economist
Bahaullah the Father of The Poor by David Langness
Bangladesh Experiments with a New Approach to Poverty Alleviation by The Economist
Bucks After the Bang by The Economist
Dealing With the Disparity Between Rich and Poor by Mordecai Schreiber
Divine Justice: the Poor Will Have His Comfortable Cottage by David Langness
Do the Rich Deserve to be Rich? by Robert Jameson
Electricity does not Change Poor Lives as Much as was Thought by The Economist
Eliminating the Extremes of Wealth and Poverty by David Langness
Eradication of Poverty Day Sharing Wealth the Bahá'í Way by David Langness
Evolution and Economics: Eradicating Extremes of Wealth and Poverty by David Langness
Extreme Poverty and Extreme Wealth, Explained by Arthur Lyon Dahl
Extreme Poverty and Hunger on the Decline by David Langness
Extreme Poverty is Growing Rarer by The Economist
Fight Against Hunger by Baha’i International Community
Finland’s Basic-Income Trial did not Much Affect Work Incentives by The Economist
Go Tell It to the Wealthy by James Howden
God Will Ask: What Did You Do for the Poor? by David Langness
How Altruism Can Reduce the Poverty and Wealth Gap by David Langness
How Altruism Can Reduce the Poverty and Wealth Gap by David Langness
How Baha’is Would Eliminate the Extreme of Wealth and Poverty by Kenneth Bowers
How Can We Distribute Wealth Fairly? by Badi Shams
How We Can Make Poverty History by Jaellayna Palmer
How Microfinance Works to End Poverty by Sai Honig
How to Escape Your Social Class by David Langness
How to Reduce the Wealth Gap — With Augusto Lopez-Claros by Radiance Talley
How Wealth Can Benefit the World by Rodney Richards
Humanomics: Alleviating Poverty Through Virtues by Badi Shams
Justice Poverty and Taxes by David Langness
Management of Small Rural Businesses by Michel Zahrai
Nobel Economist Says Inequality is Destroying Democratic Capitalism by Angus Deaton
Poverty Equals War by David Langness
Poverty Equals War by David Langness
Poverty Eradication Only Possible With Structural Transformation by Baha'i World News Service
Poverty Eradication Only Possible with Structural Transformation by
Poverty, Food and the Environment by Margaret Tash
Redistribution of Wealth by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice
Reforming Inheritance Laws to Create Social Justice by David Langness
Removing Poverty through Virtues by Badi Shams
Social Innovation and Eradication of Poverty by Baha’i International Community
The $124,421 Man, How to pay off a mountain of student debt in six years by Chadwick Matlin
The Beautiful Bahai Promise of a Poverty-Free Future by David Langness
The Palaces of the Rich by David Langness
The Pandemic and the Economy: What's a Human Life Worth by David Langness
The Poorest 3.8 Billion People Have As Much Wealth As 26 Billionaires by Laura Paddison
The Relationship Between Poverty and Justice by David Langness
The Relationship Between Wealth, Poverty, and Inequality by Radiance Talley
The Rich and the Poor by David Langness
The Rich Get Richer by David Langness
The Spiritual Power of Poverty by Peter Glulay
The World Bank’s Poverty Estimates Extreme Poverty is Growing Rarer by The Economist
Time for a Serious Discussion about Poverty and Justice by David Menham
True Wealth isn’t Something You Will Find in your Wallet by Ted Slavin
Using Laws and Altruism to Moderate Poverty and Wealth by David Langness
Wealth, Poverty and Spirituality by Matt Giani
What Does Prosperity Mean to You Jaellayna Palmer by Jaellayna Palmer
What Should Rich Nations Do About Refugees and Migrants by David Langness
Why Are People Still Poor by Baha'i International Community
Why We Excuse Excess by Maya Mansour
Why Wonga’s Woes Spell the End of the Payday Loan Industry by The Economist
Advancement of Women and Girls Featured at Major Forum on Development by Baha’i World News Service
Delayed Gratification and the Next Life by Badi Shams
Going Beyond Economic Empowerment for Women, by Baha'i World News Service
Integration of Women in the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean by Baha’i International Community
Let Us Value Women's Unpaid Contributions to Society by Greg Hodges
Part-Time Jobs help Women Stay in Paid Work by The Economist
Solving Economic Inequality by Educating Girls and Women by Patricia Wilcox
Smallholder Farmers and the Organic Principle of Interdependence by Hugh Locke
Solving Economic Inequality by Educating Girls and Women by Patricia Wilcox
Values in Innovation: Women's Engagement in Re-Imagining Digital Technologies by the Bahá'í International Community
Women: The Key to Human Progress by David Langness
Women Entrepreneurs Catalysts for Transformation by Diane C Starcher
A Wellbeing Economy is Possible
Davos 2013 - The Moral Economy: From Social Contract to Social Covenant
Economics: a study of the March 1, 2017 letter from the Universal House of Justice
Economy of Wellbeing
Envisioning a Society without Poverty & Extravagance: Curing the Malaise with Moral Principles
Bhutan: Happiness before Wealth? by Learning Canteen
Is Spirituality a Solution to the Economic Problems of Today? by Dr Soheil Abedian
Is There a Baha'i Economic System? by Hooshmand Badee
Manfred Max-Neef, Father of "Barefoot Economics" - Keynote at Zermatt Summit 2012
Manfred Max-Neef: Democracy Now Interview (Sept. 2010)
Marilyn Waring on Women and Economics
Moral economies, by Matthias Klaes
Moral Economy: 25 Concepts in Anthropology
Religion and Spirituality in the Context of Everyday Life, by David Sloan Wilson
Spiritual Solutions to the Economic Problems: Baha'u'llah
The Extremes of Wealth and Poverty: A Baha'i Perspective, by Augusto Lopez-Claros
The Origins of Economic Man and the Moral Economy, with Samuel Bowles
We Need One World Economy: Baha'i Economist Giuseppe Robiati
WEAll Policy Design Guide
What Is a Wellbeing Economy?
What Is the Global Economy?
What Money Can't Buy - the moral limit of markets
What Would a Moral Economy Look Like? Values and Metrics, by Joe Kaboski
What Would a Moral Economy Look Like? Values and Metrics, by Luigi Zingales
Why Economics Needs a Moral Dimension
Why Governments Should Prioritize Well-being
Ciencia y religión. ¿Cabe Dios en la Ciencia? por Dr. Amin Egea
Conferencia Biblioteca U.A.B.C. - septiembre 2018, por Lic. Hector Moreno, Lic. Neil Gerber y Mtro. Fred Frazelle
Entrevista a Farzam Arbab
Gobernanza y economía - La empresa responsable por Daniel Truran
Agricultores haitianos lideran un cambio revolucionario inspirado en los ideales bahá i por Katia Arami
Cuando piensas en un agricultor te imaginas a una mujer por Hugh Locke
El agricultor el primer agente activo en la sociedad humana por Steve Worth
La agricultura el ingrediente secreto de la paz mundial y la prosperidad por Bob Ballenger
Enlazando la Ciencia y la Tecnología con la Espiritualidad. por Moneshia Zu Eltz
La espiritualidad y el método científico por Gregory Samsa y Jerry Schoendorf
Pueden la ciencia y la moral encontrar una base común por Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian
Comunidades Sostenibles en un Mundo Integrante Baha’i International Community
Desarrollo sostenible: avanzando hacia una civilización global por Christine Muller
El Desarrollo Sostenible y el Espíritu Humano Baha’i International Community
Hacia un modelo de desarrollo para el siglo XXI Baha’i International Community
La Conservacion y el Desarrollo Sostenible en la Fe Baha’i Baha’i International Community
Valorando la Espiritualidad en el Desarrollo por World Bank
5 razones porqué el progreso espiritual y material deben avanzar juntos por Greg Hodges
9 consejos económicos para unir a la humanidad Badi Shams
A los baha’is del mundo (1 de marzo 2017) Universal House of Justice
Abandonando el beneficio personal en favor del beneficio colectivo por Joseph Roy Sheppherd
Adam Smith y la moralidad Badi Shams
Citas bahais economía Baha’i International Community
Cómo centrarse de verdad en el cliente, sin importar donde trabaje por Lawrence M. Miller
Cómo se vería un modelo económico basado en la espiritualidad por Katia Arami
Compartir los beneficios: ¿Tiene sentido económico y espiritual? Badi Shams
Convertirse en un economista místico Badi Shams
Diccionario Simple de Economía Badi Shams
Directrices para la Economía de la Vida Mensajes de la Casa Universal de Justicia
Economía y espiritualidad Desde una perspectiva baha’i Badi Shams
Economía, una breve historia, sus problemas y sugerencias prácticas Badi Shams
El concepto bahá’í de un buen préstamo Badi Shams
El coste espiritual de un nivel de vida más alto Badi Shams
El primer paso de un activista por Arthur Lyon Dahl
Encendiendo la luz espiritual para resolver los problemas de la humanidad por Christine Muller
Escritos Baha’is sobre economia (charla) Badi Shams
Escritos Baha’is sobre economia (para participantes) Badi Shams
Escritos bahá’ís sobre economía Badi Shams
Evitando arrepentimientos financieros Errores financieros a evitar Badi Shams
Finanzas y Espiritualidad por Dr. Carlos Albert
Hacia un nuevo orden economic o espiritual Badi Shams
Hacia un nuevo sistema economico espiritual Badi Shams
Hacia un Orden Económico Justo Baha’i Internacional Community
Justicia: El educador del mundo Lawrence M. Miller
La Economía del Futuro: Una Recopilación de los Escritos Bahá’ís Badi Shams
La economía: breve historia, problemas y sugerencias prácticas Badi Shams
Las implicaciones de la Unidad de la Humanidad Badi Shams
Mi verdadero valor por Masud Olufani
Pensamientos varios de un economista mistico Badi Shams
Resolucion Spiritual del Problema Economico Social por Artemus Lamb
Servicio al cliente: una relación que va en ambos sentidos por Jaellayna Palmer
Spanish Entendiendo Badi Shams
Spanish Estudio de los Escritos Bahá’ís sobre la economía Badi Shams
Sugerencias economicas prácticas para un nuevo sistema economico Badi Shams
Sugerencias prácticas para la economia del futuro (para participantes) Badi Shams
Sugerencias prácticas para la economía del futuro Badi Shams
Ver el dinero a través de los ojos espirituales Badi Shams
Vivimos en la Edad de los Milagros Badi Shams
Cómo un gobierno global puede abordar el cambio climático por David Langness
El Cambio Climático poniendo en práctica nuestros principios por David Menham
El enfoque Bahá'í revolucionario sobre el cambio ambiental por Arthur Lyon Dahl
Equilibrando la Economía con la Ecología por Erfan Daliri
Generando consulta sobre el cambio climático en tu comunidad por David Langness
La acción sobre el cambio climático múltiples caminos hacia un futuro mejor por Christine Muller
La Conservación y el Desarrollo Sostenible en la Fe Bahá'í por Baha'i International Community
La Realidad del Cambio Climático por Christine Muller
Legislación Internacional para el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo por Baha’i International Community
¿Cómo podemos distribuir la riqueza de forma justa? por Badi Shams
Cuánto realmente necesitamos para sentirnos prósperos por Arezoo Mohebpour
Dejando el Sentimiento de Superioridad y Aceptando la Gratitud por Badi Shams
Ensoñaciones Misticas por Badi Shams
La Promeza de la Paz Mundial por Universal House of Justice
La relación entre riqueza, pobreza y desigualdad por Radiance Talley
Mis lecciones sobre desprendimiento y confianza en un poder superior por Badi Shams
Tiroteos masivos: ¿Qué podemos hacer al respecto? por Badi Shams
Un deber bahá’í: defender la esencia de todas las religiones por Badi Shams
Una propuesta sencilla para la Paz de una ciudad por Badi Shams
Integracion de la mujer en el desarrollo enocomico y social de America Latina y el Caribe Baha’i International Community
Abolición de los extremos de riqueza y pobreza por David Langness
¿Cómo aliviar la pobreza a través de las virtudes? por Badi Shams
Cómo construir comunidades que incluyan a todos"> por Badi Shams
Cómo los ricos están aceptando el llamamiento bahá’í de ayudar a los pobres"> por Badi Shams
¿Cómo podemos distribuir la riquez a de forma justa? por Badi Shams Cuál es el papel de la riqueza en la sociedad. por Jenna Nicholas Cuánto margen de beneficio necesitamos Badi Shams Debemos justificar nuestros gastos Badi Shams Erradicando la Pobreza Baha’i International Community Gracias por la comida por Jaellayna Palmer La causa principal de la indigencia por David Langness La eliminación de la pobreza requiere una transformación estructural Bahai International Community La ética de la justicia social de la ropa que vestimos por Maya Mansour La forma de salir de la riqueza extrema Badi Shams Lucha Contra el Hambre Baha’i International Community Por qué permitimos el exceso por Maya Mansour Presupuesto Personal por Dr. Carlos Albert Puede la espiritualidad resolver la disparidad entre ricos y pobres por Behrooz Sabet Qué deben hacer los países ricos con los refugiados y los inmigrantes por David Langness Qué hace que el desarrollo social y económico funcione por Moojan Momen Qué significa pasar hambre El ayuno bahá'í y la empatía por David Langness Qué significa la riqueza para la nueva raza del hombre Badi Shams Reflexionando sobre las ganancias y la participación en beneficios por Zarrín Caldwell
4 citas sobre el servicio espiritual que guían mi trabajo profesional por Moneshia Zu Eltz
Cómo crear un lugar de trabajo espiritual por Lawrence M. Miller
Cómo encontrar un trabajo voluntario que inspire tu sentido de servicio por Nasim Mansuri
Guía para iniciar un servicio desinteresado Badi Shams
La verdadera confianza por Cynthia Barnes-Slater
Sugerencias prácticas para servir a la comunidad Badi Shams
Trabajo Nobleza y Adoración por David Langless
Trabajo y adoración por Simon Ward
Concibiendo una comunidad mundial por David Langness
Globalización Bienvenido al Nuevo Orden Mundial por David Langness
Globalización por David Langness
Guía para la Elaboración de Políticas de Economía del Bienestar
Las 3 grandes trampas de la vida: El materialismo, la imitación y el ego por V. M. Gopaul
Nuevos Modelos de Vida Comunitaria en un Mundo Cada Vez Más Urbanizado Baha’i International Community
Una misma sustancia Baha’i International Community
Uniendo nuestras metas espirituales y materiales por Morgan Wishney
ससंपतत तथथ ननिरर्धनितथ कक अधरकतथ कथ असंत –
धनन और ननधर्धनन ककबनच बकहहिससाब असमसानतसा
(Hindi) To the Baha’is of the World (March 1st, 2017) Universal House of Justice
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