• In Life
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The Beauty and Benefits When East and West Meet

I have spent precisely half of my life in the global East, and the other half living in the West. East and West functioned as schools of learning for me, educating me in unique ways.I feel like a lucky plant rooted in the soil of the East and watered and…
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9 Economic Tips for Uniting Humanity

“Am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain said to God after slaying his brother Abel. That famous question from Genesis forms one of the primary moral lessons of Judaism and Christianity – and of all religion.In the Torah, Abraham and Moses asked us to be our brother’s keeper. In the New…
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Can We Have a Flag for Our Planet?

Lately I’ve been wishing that we had a flag for our planet, along with our national flags. Wouldn’t it be great to have one universal banner that offers the Earth our commitment, allegiance, respect, and love?Actually, the topic of flags has been occupying my mind and soul for a long…
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Economics and Spirituality from a Baha’i perspective (Conclusion)

SolutionsWhat we need is Humanomics. We need a system with humanity and virtues that are respected by all religions. They are universal and apply to everyone. Virtues such as:Assertiveness, Caring, Cleanliness, Compassion, Confidence, Consideration, Courage, Courtesy Creativity, Detachment, Determination, Enthusiasm, Excellence, Faithfulness, Flexibility, Forgiveness, Friendliness,  Generosity, Gentleness, Helpfulness, Honesty, Honor, Humility,…
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Economics and Spirituality from a Baha’i perspective (Part 3 of 5)

ProblemsThe economic system continued its journey, and as it moved forward, the gap between the rich and the poor became wider and wider. The system survived the great depression of the 1930s and the first and second world Wars until 2008 when it almost collapsed.Imagine the economic system as a…
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Economics and Spirituality from a Baha’i perspective (Part 2 of 5)

Industrial RevolutionWhen someone in England in the 18th century automated his factory, that was the start of the industrial revolution. Soon after, the steam engine was invented, and mass production was launched. Everything changed. Now they needed roads and railways to bring the raw materials for the factories and transport…
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Trauma: How Can We Heal Our Wounded Souls?

You’ve likely heard of PTSD – post traumatic stress disorder – but have you heard yet about PCSD? That acronym stands for post-Covid stress disorder, a newly-emerging effect of the pandemic.Increasingly, mental health professionals are recognizing that the global Covid-19 pandemic has wounded the entire world’s emotions. Our souls suffer…
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