
Small Simple Dictionary of Economics (Part 4 of 8)

Economics, like other sciences and arts, has its own language. Without knowledge of this language, it is very difficult to understand economics. This has stopped many from following local, national and international economic developments. When I mention that economics is my field of interest, it often creates a sense of…
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The Only Solution to Our Economic Problems: The Oneness of Humanity

Many economists have pointed out the importance of global unity and cooperation in solving the ever-increasing economic crises of the world. But there has not been much change, and time is running out.Time is running out for governments, economists, and policymakers to make a change to undo the economic miseries…
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Small Simple Dictionary of Economics (Part 3 of 8)

Economics, like other sciences and arts, has its own language. Without knowledge of this language, it is very difficult to understand economics. This has stopped many from following local, national and international economic developments. When I mention that economics is my field of interest, it often creates a sense of…
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Spiritual Capital: Investing Our Energies Wisely

In the world of finance, investment is important – our entire economy depends on it. Let’s look at the definition of investment to determine the similarities between our financial and spiritual investments. The encyclopedia of investment, Investopedia, says: Investing, broadly, is putting money to work for a period of time…
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Economics and Spirituality from a Baha’i perspective (Conclusion)

SolutionsWhat we need is Humanomics. We need a system with humanity and virtues that are respected by all religions. They are universal and apply to everyone. Virtues such as:Assertiveness, Caring, Cleanliness, Compassion, Confidence, Consideration, Courage, Courtesy Creativity, Detachment, Determination, Enthusiasm, Excellence, Faithfulness, Flexibility, Forgiveness, Friendliness,  Generosity, Gentleness, Helpfulness, Honesty, Honor, Humility,…
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Economics and Spirituality from a Baha’i perspective (Part 2 of 5)

Industrial RevolutionWhen someone in England in the 18th century automated his factory, that was the start of the industrial revolution. Soon after, the steam engine was invented, and mass production was launched. Everything changed. Now they needed roads and railways to bring the raw materials for the factories and transport…
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